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How Can I Replace My Missing Teeth?

February 06, 2019 | Dental Implants | The Office of Palisades Dentists

missing tooth in upclose shoot of mouth-img-blogMissing teeth can have detrimental effects not only on the aesthetic of a person’s smile but also the strength of their jawbone. The loss of permanent teeth can be attributed to factors that include tooth decay, injury, periodontal disease, certain illnesses (i.e., diabetes), and teeth grinding (bruxism). Some of the typical lifestyle choices that lead to adult tooth loss are:

  • Improper dental hygiene
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Tobacco use (smoking and chewing)

What Are My Tooth Replacement Options?

Patients in Pacific Palisades, CA have several options to replace their missing teeth and restore the appearance of their smile, including the following dental services:


Dental bridges are designed to, as their name suggests, “bridge” gaps between teeth after tooth loss. This restoration consists of one or more false replacement teeth between two crowns. The bridge is attached to the natural teeth on either side of the gap, producing a strong and permanent improvement.


  • Full: Patients who are missing all of their natural teeth may opt for full dentures, which are designed to create the appearance of a full set of teeth.
  • Partial: Men and women who still have some of their natural teeth can be fitted for partial dentures. These removable restorations consist of several false teeth that are typically held in place by an attached metal framework.

Dental Implants

Because other tooth replacement options are either removable or fixed to the existing teeth, they do not provide support for the jawbone. Dental implants are the ideal solution for tooth replacement, as they behave more like natural teeth than other restorations. A dental implant is surgically placed into the bone, preserving the integrity of the jaw and surrounding teeth.

What Else Can I Do to Achieve a Beautiful Smile?

Individuals who want to fine-tune the appearance of their teeth may want to consider a smile makeover. This treatment may consist of one or more methods that can make your teeth brighter and address shape concerns. Some of the cosmetic options available with a smile makeover are:

  • Composite bonding
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Inlays/onlays
  • Whitening

To find out if you can benefit from professional tooth replacement, please schedule your dental consultation at the Palisades Dentists by calling 310.459.2303.